God loves everybody the same way, but he's not the one who distributes the cash.
This is why some of us have to resort to begging.


I hate to beg, but my situation forces me to resort to this. Begging is not very good for self-esteem, but when you're in my situation, self-esteem is a luxury. God loves everybody the same way, but he's not the one who distributes the cash. If he were, there would be no poverty.

I am on welfare because of a car accident that left me walking, but with severe neck injuries. I can walk, but with leg braces that cost $2,800 a piece and a walk stick. I can't hold a job because the pain keeps me bed ridden for up to three days at a time. I need to take morphine for the pain every day ( M Eslon, 30mg 2X/day ) plus an antidepressant, and 5 other medications for side effects and other problems of lesser importance. My wife was not interested in keeping a husband that did not bring money home, even though she's a veterinarian and makes well over $100,000 a year. I barely make $0,000 a year ( that's how much an invalid makes on Welfare in Québec. Poverty level is $17,000 ) that's less tha 1/10th her revenues and I can't afford a good lawyer. Legal-aid lawyers are not worth the ink they use to sign papers. I used one for my separation papers and I had to use one for my accident claim. I ended up on Welfare. You see, here in Québec, the car insurance for physical injuries is "public" wich means it's the government that has to pay if you have physical injuries, including disability. It's the same government that pays for Welfare. So if it's cheaper for them to let you go on Welfare, they won't pay through the insurance unless you have a damn good lawyer... I was a computer technician. I used to make 45 to $50,000/year. All my economies were in my appartment building wich was under my wife's name and that she sold half price so that there was no profit left to share! You see, losing my physical abilities, my job and mostly losing my family was too much for me. I fell in a deep depression and tried to jump off a bridge. They locked me up for 3 months in a crazy house. That's when she sold everything I could have used to survive.

If you can find it in your heart to help me, I will put you in my prayers since I'll never be able to repay you. I already spent 8 years separated from my daughter because I could not afford a decent lawyer to make my wife respect the separation papers, wich gives me part custody of my daughter. You see, since she makes more money than me, she would have to pay me for child support. It's the last thing she wants to do.

I tried once, but she told me that if I ever got 50/50 custody, she would "disapear" with our daughter. Her family history is a bit weird, enough to scare the sh.. out of me when she says "disapear with our daughter". So, as I did not want to lose my daughter or get in a dirty battle in wich my wife would make her see me as the bad guy, I just waited. At least I could see her every other weekend and every Christmas and new Year as my daughter does not like her mother's family, and we talk on the phone every night. It compensated for the lack of physical presence. You see, I have an excellent relation with my daughter, even if it makes my wife burn up. We share a lot of dreams together. We talk for hours on some times. Until her mother screams for her to get off the phone :-)

My daughter will turn 18 next weekend ( on the 17th ). My wife won't be able to keep her away from me anymore. And she's old enough to understand ewverything. She knows how her mother kept her away from me and that I'm poor because I refused that the welfare force my wife to pay me support since I'm invalid, so I would not lose her. Her turning 18 means that I don't have to worry about losing her anymore. But it also means that my wife will push for the divorce, now that she's sure she won't have to worry about me getting custody, and mostly, the support money! Mind you, if roles were reversed, she would not hesitate to hit me for alimony...

Anyways, I'd like to have some money to hire a real lawyer for my divorce. One that would not be afraid to hit her for the money she should have paid me and for a compensation for the time lost with my daughter. And I'm not counting all my stuff that she sold ( like the appartement building and my truck. ) If I can win some, I'd have money to spend on my daughter and I'd be able to rent a decent appartement for the both of us while she finishes college. I only have a couple of years maximum before she hooks up with a man or simply decides to move on. I'd like to have this little time left to take care of her, like I would have liked to do for the last 8 years. And maybe even get a car that we could share. It's been 9 years now that I have not owned a car. I can't even afford a driver's license. The last year I renewed my license was 1997. It expired in 1999. I had my accident in May 1998 and my wife kicked me out 3 months later. That's how much she loved me!

So I'm down to begging. I'm not asking for much. A $5 Canadian. You don't go very far these days with a 5. But if I can get 100 of them, maybe then I'll be able to start with a real lawyer and see if there's a chance to collect enough and if so, if these chances are good enough for him to wait until I collect to get paid the extra. If not, well at least I'll know. A good lawyer will ask at least $300 just to talk about the case. And whatever he says, even if he says that I don't stand a chance, well at least I'll know from a real lawyer, not one of those legal-aid ones who are not interested in working hard for their money. They get paid by the hour, whether they work or not, win or lose. They don't care very much. I'd like to talk with one that makes money only when he works. But they're too expensive for me, unless I get your help.

I thank you even if you decide not to help me. If you are reading this, it's because you though of it. You can also buy the e-book that I try to sell that shows how to make a few bucks on the web. Look in my shop. It's only 5 bucks and you could make a second income if you try it. It requires that you spend some time on your PC. I tried it, but I can't stand long enough on my PC. After 30 minutes I get headaches due to my neck. So it's not for me. But I'll try to sell it and make money that way, as long as I sell enought to pay for the add!

So, if you have a $5 to spare, I'll humbly accept it. You can send it to me through my PayPal or my hyperWallet account : [email protected] . And if you feel that 5 bucks is not enough, feel free to send more : )

Thanks for reading me. God bless you. And rest assured that even if you decide not to help me, He will still love you.

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